
Strength training is an important part of any workout plan. But, do you know the true benefits of strength and weight training? 

Weight training, also known as resistance training, has a wide number of benefits no matter what your health goals are. A few people who are new to exercise or going to the gym often only associate strength training with people who are experienced athletes and are sometimes intimidated by this form of workout. But, resistance training has many benefits to help you reach your fitness goals.

Feeling stronger

Although this benefit is an obvious one, it’s often forgotten about. When you focus on strength training, you are strengthening and toning your muscles. This is only going to help you to complete your day-to-day things a lot easier. As we get older, we naturally start to lose muscle and the normal process of ageing can make your daily routine harder. If you are someone that incorporates resistance training into your normal workout regime, you will be able to help improve your strength and ensure that your muscles keep you feeling strong and fit for longer.

You lose more body fat

No matter what kind of exercise you do undertake, you are likely to lose body fat if you incorporate your exercise with a healthy diet. But, if you focus your attention on resistance training, it’ll be more effective in reducing overall body fat. There have been several different studies in the past that have found that weightlifting alongside a cardiovascular exercise regime can help improve the rate in which you can lose body fat. So, if you are hoping to lose weight or reach a certain weight goal, resistance training may help you to lose weight faster than cardio alone.

Improve your bone health

Another normal process of ageing is bone health decline, but strength training can help to improve your bones and may even help to reverse any bone loss issues. According to a study, high-intensity resistance and impact training for just 30 minutes twice a week can help to improve bone density, structure and strength. This study focussed on women who were postmenopausal age who had experience low bone mass. This level of training also had no negative impact on those who participated in the study.

Improve your balance

As we age, we’re more likely to have issues with balance and therefore there is a potential to experience trips and falls. It is never too late to get started with weight lifting and there have been signs that weightlifting for older people can be more beneficial than going for a jog or a run. Balance and coordination are important as we age and weight lifting can help improve these skills.

Improve your heart health

Lifting weights has also had a very positive effect on many people and blood pressure issues. Heart health problems, unfortunately, can lead to various complications such as stroke and heart disease. But, if you undertake resistance training workouts, you will be able to help improve the strength of your heart and therefore this can have a good effect on the rest of your body. 

Get happy

Any form of exercise can help improve and raise levels of serotonin in your system, but it has been found that weightlifting can help improve your mood and make you happier more so than cardiovascular exercise alone. Strength training can elevate the number of endorphins in your system which can help improve energy levels and make you feel happier. Studies have determined that exercise can help improve your mood due to increased levels of endorphins and serotonin. This puts a positive effect on your brain. When you’re in a better mood due to having the right levels of endorphins and serotonin levels in your system, you’ll also be able to sleep better, too.

Get started today

If you’ve been thinking about incorporating resistance training into your workout but you’re not sure where to start, your doctor may be able to provide you with some good advice. They also can provide you with some information on what will be best suited to you and your particular needs and fitness levels. Your doctor may also refer you to a local gym or personal trainer who will be able to guide you through some basic strength training for resistance training workouts to get started.